5 standout moments from the past 5 years

Good things come to those who work together. And over the years, we’ve loved celebrating small and large wins with some wonderful organisations. As Lucent turns 5, the team have shared the moments of impact that standout to us.


Katherine’s moment

“One of many highlights over the past 5 years is the work we have done to support a collaborative of 10 hospices across West Yorkshire. They originally came together to share ‘food and rations’ through Covid. They quickly realised there was so much more they could do, and developed an inspiring vision for quality palliative and end-of-life care. To address health inequalities and improves access to services, they recognised that they needed to work together with health and social care providers and commissioners across the region.

This is complex work - they are just one part of a bigger and very complex health and care system. But here they are hard at work mapping local services and creating a joint map and vision for their local area - a hugely important step in creating impact and great fun in the doing. Good things really do come to those who work together.”



Charlotte’s moment

“I loved seeing dozens of Home-Starts from across the UK on giant Zoom calls developing their first joint strategy for the whole network - Together With Families.

There’s always a huge burst of energy that comes when people are sharing ideas and resources with each other and realising their collective power to influence change that no individual organisation has on its own.”



Andrea’s moment

“We recently facilitated an awayday with Talbot Village Trust - it was great seeing all trustees coming together in-person and asking to be challenged, to help them make an already wonderful organisation even more impactful.

The terms ‘ambitious’ and ‘humble’ often seem like opposing forces, but their willingness to learn and listen to better serve their community taught me it’s possible to be both, and I’m now even more convinced that this combination can lead to remarkable success.”



Lakshmi’s moment

“The National Trust, along with a whole range of other organisations, has been working on a citizen’s assembly that created in 2023 the People’s Plan for Nature - which calls on government, business and others to put a much greater focus on nature. Here’s the blurb about it on the National Trust’s website. I also really like this video - it’s a reminder that nature is critical for people from all walks of life, who come from very different backgrounds. It’s something that binds us all together.

Another moment is when Rosa partnered with Reclaim the Streets in 2021 to distribute funds to frontline organisations. I found this to be a standout moment because it was an opportunity to channel the outrage so many people in the UK were feeling into real, tangible support for groups working directly with women around the UK.”


What moment of impact from your organisation comes to mind? Join the conversation here.

BlogKaty Panter