Compass for incoming Chief Executives

How do incoming Chief Executives rapidly and confidently get a grasp of what is really happening in their organisation. Where are the strengths in this organisation? Where are big challenges? And in which order should you address them?

Getting to the heart of an organisation is no easy task. After all, by the time you arrive at your desk as the new boss you have already been told a number of stories. There is the story that is told in the job pack. There is the story that is hinted at during the interview process.  And then there is the story you are told by your colleagues but that turns out to be different from that you hear those using your services. So which is the true story? Is it the same story across your organisation? And then, when you have done all that, you need to spot the story that the whole organisation is happily telling itself which turns out to be more myth than fact.

With deep experience in the Lucent team of what is means to be a new Chief Executive and how it feels to grapple with overload of the first weeks and months in role, we set out to create a package specifically to help new Chief Execs get their bearings quickly while building the trusted relationships they will need for the long term.

A tried-and-tested strategic package, built for you:

This package will help you through the tough first weeks and months of your new role and figure out what, from the sea of information you are being given, really matters for the strategic future of your organisation.

It includes:

  • This is a tried and tested survey tool that quickly and independently assesses how clear your people are about the purpose of the organisation, and its strengths, challenges.

  • This includes a feedback session and facilitated conversation with either your staff, board or senior team to share the results and engage them in shaping the next steps.

  • Three sessions with you and an experienced Lucent consultant to consider your next steps and provide you with some confidential thinking space, critical challenge and support.

Interested in finding out more?

If you’d like to find out more about how Compass can help you to find your bearings on company strategy, start a conversation with us here.

BlogKaty Panter