Strength in Numbers: Modernising Membership Organisations

Networks that help people connect locally and nationally, bringing people together to champion a cause, providing people with opportunities to volunteer and have their say in the future direction of an organisation sound like very modern organisational functions. And yet, many membership organisations are Victorian in origin.

Through 2024, we brought together Chief Executives of membership charities to explore this conundrum - how do we build on our long histories and strength in numbers, while reaching new audiences and getting the best from a digital age, while promoting good and inclusive governance?


Strength in Numbers

We have released our Strength in Numbers report, providing research and insight from conversations among Chief Executives of membership organisations. Importantly, we ask how membership models can become fit for the future.


With special thanks to Sage Horley for his contribution to the research and to the charity leaders who contributed to this ongoing discussion (Clea Harmer, Darren Moorcroft, Hilary McGrady, James Blake, Michael Barnett, Michele Acton, Nick Lomas, Rebecca Speight, Ross Maloney, Sarah Fowler, Sarah Mitchell).

If you’d like to find out more about this work, get in touch with us via

PublicationKatherine Rake