Working across borders: the Irish Sea Network
In this guest blog, Georgia de Jong Cleyndert (Head of Marine, North West Wildlife Trusts) reflects on learning from the Irish Sea Network, which Lucent facilitated from 2020 – 2024
Cross-border collaboration is essential for marine conservation, as marine habitats and wildlife regularly cross borders. The Irish Sea Network (ISN), a marine conservation partnership formed in 2020, exemplifies the impact that can be achieved when organisations collaborate trans-nationally and in this blog, we share some lessons learnt along the way.
The Network includes ten Wildlife Trusts from around the Irish Sea[1], Northern Ireland Marine Task Force, Irish Wildlife Trust, and the Sustainable Water Network (SWAN) from the Republic of Ireland. Funded by the John Ellerman Foundation and Esmée Fairbairn Foundation, and with the help of Lucent consultancy, the ISN has spent the past five years striving to improve their collective impact for nature. Their aim has been to foster cross-national collaboration and knowledge sharing, thereby advancing marine conservation activities and addressing the mounting pressures on the Irish Sea.
As the ISN reaches the culmination of its initial five-year funding period, it’s an opportune time to reflect on our learning. While we have published our collective findings and impact report about our work around the Irish Sea [‘Review of the Irish Sea 2022’; ‘Vision and joint position statements’; ‘Ecological considerations for marine spatial planners in the Irish Sea’; Irish Sea Day impact report; and wish fish report] here we reflect on what we’ve learnt about collaborating as a network.
The Value of Being Together
Over the past five years, the ISN members have convened annually in-person at different locations around the Irish Sea. These gatherings have proven invaluable for in-depth exploration of complex issues, including site visits and formulating joint plans. The power of face-to-face interaction cannot be overstated - it fosters stronger relationships and trust, providing inspiration, sharing knowledge, and reinvigorating the Network with a renewed sense of purpose.
The Power of Knowledge Sharing
Knowledge amplifies the impact of conservation efforts. Through the ISN, member organisations have been able to share expertise, data, and strategies that have enhanced the overall impact of their work. This pooling of knowledge has not only increased efficiency but has also led to more informed decision-making and a more unified approach to marine conservation across borders. Examples range from comparing notes on different regulatory regimes to what makes for successful transplanting and restoration of seagrasses (an important nature-based climate solution, as seagrass meadows sequester significant amounts of carbon).
The Role of eNGOs in Cross-Border Collaboration
The ISN has highlighted the crucial role that environmental NGOs (eNGOs) can play in facilitating and leading cross-border collaboration. As Emma Armshaw from SWAN pointed out, the Network has not only demonstrated that working across borders is possible but that eNGOs can bring together and drive cooperation from other stakeholders. Rachel Sharp, CEO of Wildlife Trust Wales, added that while policy changes are important, real progress often requires increased ambition and scale - something that Networks like the ISN are well-positioned to champion and mobilise people around.
The Importance of Communication and Language Types
Effective communication is the backbone of any successful collaboration, and our experiences with the ISN have underscored the importance of adapting communications for differing audiences and contexts. It’s been particularly important to strive for clarity and inclusivity. For example, Matt Lundy from Ulster Wildlife Trust pointed out that conservationists often use the term ‘marine’ without considering that its meaning may not be clear to everyone we are trying to communicate with. Additionally, the language used in our asks have needed to be tailored to the different political landscapes across the UK – each have different terms for highly protected areas, for example. It’s crucial to consider how our choices about language can impact the perception and understanding of conservation efforts, particularly among the public and policymakers.
Collaboration Takes Time
Another key lesson from the ISN’s experience is that successful collaboration doesn’t happen overnight. Building a strong, cohesive network requires patience, persistence, and a willingness to navigate the challenges that arise. The time invested in fostering relationships, establishing trust, and aligning goals has been invaluable for ISN in navigating the last five years. This includes onboarding and briefing of new people, so that everyone who joins can play a full part in the Network.
The Power of Local Knowledge with a Shared Vision
While the ISN is a cross-border initiative, the importance of local knowledge cannot be underestimated. Each member organisation brings a unique understanding of their specific region, which, when combined with a shared vision for the Irish Sea, creates a powerful force for change. The integration of local insights with a broader strategic direction has been a key factor in the Network’s success.
The Value of Independent Facilitation
Independent facilitation has been instrumental in the success of the ISN. Lucent Consultancy, which provided facilitation over the past four years, played a crucial role in establishing trust among the Network members. Lucent’s guidance helped navigate the ups and downs of the process. Their ability to pick out themes and positives from meetings, offering clarity that often comes from an outside perspective, further strengthened the Network’s cohesion. Additionally, their use of tools like Gartner’s Hype Cycle provided reassurance that the ‘peaks of excitement’ and ‘troughs of disillusionment’ are a normal part of any long-term project.
The Irish Sea Network’s journey over the past five years has provided invaluable lessons in cross-border collaboration. From the importance of in-person meetings and knowledge sharing to the critical role of eNGOs and the need for effective communication, the Network’s experience offers a blueprint for other organisations looking to enhance their impact through collaboration. As the ISN continues its work, these lessons will undoubtedly shape the future of marine conservation efforts across the Irish Sea and beyond.
[1] Manx Wildlife Trust, North Wales Wildlife Trust, North West Wildlife Trusts (Cumbria, Lancashire and Cheshire), Royal Society of Wildlife Trusts, Scottish Wildlife Trust, Ulster Wildlife, Wildlife Trust of South and West Wales and Wildlife Trusts Wales.