Inspiring summer reads

I suspect I am not alone in struggling to make time for long reads. A good summer is one where I rest, recharge and rediscover the joy of reading the old fashioned way (proper paper if you don’t mind; preferably dog-eared). In case you are prepping your own summer reading list I thought I’d share with you some of the books that continue to inspire me and the way that I work. Knowing that you might want to sneak some fiction or (whisper it!) box sets onto your holiday list, I have kept my suggestions to just three.

  1. My first summer pick is Time to Think by Nancy Kline. Published 20 years ago, this book feels ever more relevant to our current activity-saturated, high on broadcast, low on listening society.

    Nancy gently persuades of the need for deep listening and the power that comes from asking open incisive questions. And the process really works. I have used her techniques in a wide range of settings, including where there is conflict and confusion, and they really work.

  2. My second is Good Strategy, Bad Strategy by Richard Rumelt.  I don’t agree with everything in this slim book. But, his focus on strategy that can be turned into action rather than lofty ambitions is powerful.

    He makes a strong case that strategy needs to draw on the strengths you have relative to others and sets out how to unlock the power of the assets you have. No surprise, then, that I use his concepts heavily in my work.

  3. And the final pick really is an all-time classic – Getting Things Done by David Allen. Every year or so I take a long hard look at my work processes to spot the time eaters and wasters that have crept in. In the spring this year I spent a revealing week in the company of the toggl app to track my time with rather sobering results. But once I had gulped, I seized back control of my diary and have seen an uptick in productivity as a result.

    David Allen’s methods are simple and ensure that you balance your time between long-term big projects and short-term tasks.

After a busy few weeks following the launch of Lucent, I am looking forward to spending time reflecting on how to work more effectively so that I can make long, lasting change - that is the essence of what Lucent is all about. I do hope there are some inspiring reads in here for you. Do get in touch with any great reads you discover this summer.

I have linked to the online bookseller Hive which I use because it gives my much loved local independent bookshop a percentage every time I make a purchase. Along with your reading lists, just drop me a line if you know of other online booksellers with a social conscience.

Written by Katherine Rake, Director and Consultant

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