Unlocking strategy

It has been a sensational few months for Lucent since our launch on a balmy summer’s evening back in June. As our connections have grown and we work with new clients across charities and foundations, we hear how many organisations share similar challenges in developing their strategy…

One client recently started our meeting by saying: “I know how important it is to develop a clear sense of direction, but it is just so difficult to make the time and space needed to work out the next step.” Sound familiar?

Many people struggle to get off the hamster wheel of their current daily practice, even though they know what they are doing is not quite right. So, what stops you from tackling your strategy head on? And what has helped you get past that initial block?

We’d love you to share both your headaches and your ideas about what has helped start a new strategy journey on our new LinkedIn page.

Keep an eye out for our top tips to help you, and drop a line to hello@lucentconsultancy.co.uk if we can help you with some ideas right now to help reboot your own strategy journey.

Lucent is growing!

To enable more organisations to overcome their strategy blocks Lucent is excited to announce that the team is growing. We are delighted that Charlotte Ravenscroft will be joining us later in the year to help more clients achieve their bold ambitions for change.

Charlotte brings a wealth of experience in advising organisations on strategy and external affairs. She will be drawing on her work with major charities, charitable foundations and central government, to help organisations consider how they can best achieve their goals.

With Charlotte working alongside the core team at Lucent, we are delighted to bring a strengthened breadth of experience covering charities, foundations and other organisations with a social purpose.

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